Loading Drivers

Below is a list of driver modules that may be installed with the Julia package manager.

DeviceJulia Package
Pluto SDRSoapyPlutoSDR_jll

If you need a driver module that is not listed, you can search JuliaHub to see if it may have been added to the package manager. If not, please file an issue. Alternatively, you can see the instructions below about using operating system provided modules with SoapySDR.jl.

To activate the driver and module, simply use the package along with SoapySDR. For example:

julia> using SoapySDR, xtrx_jll


julia> using SoapySDR, SoapyRTLSDR_jll

Loading System-Provided Driver Modules

The SOAPY_SDR_PLUGIN_PATH environmental variable is read by SoapySDR to load local driver modules. For example, on Ubuntu one may use the Ubuntu package manager to install all SoapySDR driver modules:

sudo apt install soapysdr0.8-module-all 

These can then be used from SoapySDR.jl by exporting the environmental variable with the module directory:

export SOAPY_SDR_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/SoapySDR/modules0.8/

This can add support for more devices than is provided by the Julia package manager, however compatibility is not guaranteed.