Benchmark for Rx link

The following script allows to benchmark the effective rate from the receiver. To do so we compute the number of samples received in a given time. The timing is measured fro the timestamp obtained from the radio.

module Benchmark 
# ---------------------------------------------------- 
# --- Modules & Utils
# ---------------------------------------------------- 
# --- External modules 
using UHDBindings 
# --- Functions 
Calculate rate based on UHD timestamp
function getRate(tInit,tFinal,nbSamples)
	sDeb = tInit.intPart + tInit.fracPart;
	sFin = tFinal.intPart + tFinal.fracPart; 
	timing = sFin - sDeb; 
	return nbSamples / timing;
Main call to monitor Rx rate
function main(samplingRate)	
	# ---------------------------------------------------- 
	# --- Physical layer and RF parameters 
	# ---------------------------------------------------- 
	# --- Create the radio object in function
	carrierFreq		= 770e6;		
	gain			= 50.0; 
	radio			= openUHD(carrierFreq,samplingRate,gain); 
	# --- Print the configuration
	# --- Init parameters 
	# Get the radio size for buffer pre-allocation
	nbSamples 		= radio.packetSize;
	# We will get complex samples from recv! method
	sig		  = zeros(Complex{Cfloat},nbSamples); 
	# --- Targeting 2 seconds acquisition
	# Init counter increment
	nS		  = 0;
	# Max counter definition
	nbBuffer  = 2*samplingRate;
	# --- Timestamp init 
	p 			= recv!(sig,radio);
	nS			+= p;
	timeInit  	= Timestamp(getTimestamp(radio)...);
	while true
		# --- Direct call to avoid allocation 
		p = recv!(sig,radio);
		# --- Ensure packet is OK
		err 	= getError(radio);
		# --- Update counter
		nS		+= p;
		# --- Interruption 
		if nS > nbBuffer
	# --- Last timeStamp and rate 
	timeFinal = Timestamp(getTimestamp(radio)...);
	# --- Getting effective rate 
	radioRate	  = radio.samplingRate;
    effectiveRate = getRate(timeInit,timeFinal,nS);
	# --- Free all and return
	return (radioRate,effectiveRate);