How it works

First, you have to install the package through package manager

    julia> using Pkg 
    julia> Pkg.add("TempestSDR")

Or directly ] add TempestSDR in the Pkg mode of the Julia REPL. There are a bunch a dependencies so it makes take a little time to install.

Then after some black magic Pkg does you should be able to launch the graphical user interface with this command

    julia> using TempestSDR 
    julia> TempestSDR.gui(; sdr = :radiosim,
    carrierFreq = 764e6,
    gain = 20,

Some remarks here

  • sdr keyword corresponds to the type of SDR you use and have to be supported by AbstrctSDRs. If you want to use some binary file, set the sdr as radiosim which is the virtual radio front-end used in AbstractSDRs
  • carrierFreq is the carrier frequency of the SDR and should be tuned to a potential leakage (for instance 742.5 MHz)
  • samplingRate is the band of the SDR. The larger is ofen the better and we find that 20MHz is a very good trade-off. If your SDR does not support this bandwidth try lower values (with often lower image reconstruction)
  • gain is the gain of the radio. If you don't know how what to put, try a value of 0 and do not hesitate to increase it :)
  • buffer::Vector{ComplexF32} (optional) if you want to provide the GUI samples you have already acquire. It has only a sense if you use a virtual backend radiosim (otherwise samples from SDR will be used).