Precompilation notes

One key issue with the application is the initial latency caused by the initial pre-compilation. There are probably some inference issue that can be solved by updating the code (any PR are welcome 😀) but in the meantime speeding up the application can also be of interest.

A simple way is to use the wonderful Package Compiler application. The goal is to generate a (massive) shared library that can be used in the Julia startup to remove almost all the pre-compilation time. If you want to bring the recompilation speed for TempestSDR.jl, use the following steps

In the current directory create a file script_gui.jl with the following content

using TempestSDR 
tup = gui(;sdr=:radiosim,carrierFreq=764e6,samplingRate=20e6,gain=9,acquisition=0.05);

Add Package Compiler as a dependency of your default environment (or create a sandbox environment using a temporary environment)

    julia> using PackageCompiler 
    julia> create_sysimage(["TempestSDRs"], sysimage_path="", precompile_execution_file="script_gui.jl")

It will take some time and finally generate a shared library You can launch now julia with the pre-compilation option as

    julia -t auto --sysimage