

This simple package proposes some bindings to the UHD, the C driver of the Universal Software Radio Peripheral USRP

The package is heavily dependent on libUHD the open source driver from Ettus research. The library is shipped in the package through Artifacts, and the current implementation uses libUHD.4.0.0

The purpose is to able to instantiate the radio peripheral inside a Julia session and to be able to send and receive complex samples directly within a Julia session.

The package introduces the UHDBinding structure which pilots and controls the radio. This structure has two important fields namely tx and rx that are respectively related to transmitter and receiver stages. The function can takes UHDBinding as input parameter or UHDBinding.rx,UHDBinding.tx. In the latter case, the configuration will be set to both Tx and Rx stages.


The package can be installed with the Julia package manager. From the Julia REPL, type ] to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run:

pkg> add UHDBindings

Or, equivalently, via the Pkg API:

julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("UHDBindings


  • The base documentation with the different functions can be found in the base section
  • Different examples are described in in the example section. Other examples are provided in the example subfolder of the project.

Project updates highlights

Version 0.5

  • Adding a system to manage error in populateBuffer. If the streamer is not continuous, then calling recv() or recv!() with an internal UHD errors leads to a error in the recvcall.

Version 0.4

  • Adding possibility to use default Yggdrasil lib system or use a custom library path. It can be useful if the proposed shipped version is not the one provided by Yggdrasil. See UHDBindings.set_provider

Version 0.3

  • LibUHD refactor. Bindings have been generated with Clang.jl. It is possible to use a custom configuration after initialize the radio with openUHD. See the MIMO example
  • API update ! We now support natively multiple boards and MIMO.

Version 0.2.2

  • The UHD lib is now automatically provided by Yggdrasil !
  • It is still possible to use a custom local UHD installation with the use of Preferences.jl by setting UHDBindings.set_provider("local")

Version 0.2

  • Switch to UHD with version 4.0 with artifact